“The Voice” film premiere from the stable of pretty Nollywood darling Nkeiruka Sylvanus has been generating talks on social media for weeks now. Lagos state will stand still on July 13 as all the Crème de la crème of our society converge to witness the premiere of this first-of-its-kind Nigerian thriller/adventure film happening live at the Prestigious Oriental Hotels Lekki, Lagos. Many are currently not surprised why there is so much noise about this movie considering the fact that this was the same project the actress was busy with in 2012 at a location in Owerri when she was abducted by kidnappers. Addressing journalists, Nkeiru Sylvanus speaks more about “The Voice” and other issues. Morakinyo Olugbiji was there for Blueprint
One of the most anticipated events right now is the Premiere of your come-back movie “The Voice”, why did it take so long to release it?
I don’t think there is anything like a comeback movie because I was never out. The voice is a movie we took time to actually produce. We took our time to agree on how best to produce it so as to give our viewers, audience and fans something to enjoy. It’s not a movie we produce in a hurry. We had a little ups and downs while on the set of this movie. We weren’t in a hurry to push it out in the market. So with that, I don’t think “The Voice” was delayed; I think it came out just at the appropriate time it needs to come out.
Could you tell us about The Voice storyline?
Let me give you the synopsis to this film. Sandy (Nkeiru Sylvanus) had been told by a stranger named Jeremiah (Larry Briggs) that she will die in 90 days. To prove that she will truly die, he tells her three unusual events will precede her death. They all happened the way the stranger told her. On the 90th day, another stranger named Solonzo (Kenneth Okolie)turns up and wants her money and may be her life. So he kidnaps her and holds her hostage until he could assess the 10 million naira check she had given him. Would she have the wisdom to live with him and would he have the patience to keep her alive? It is just 5pm, they have till 12 midnight of the 90th day to decide that. The Voice stars Kenneth Okolie,Betty Njoku- Olumowe, Larry Briggs, Edwards Fom, and Daniel Lloyed.
Are we going to see you shed tears in “The Voice”, like in most of your other films?
my usual shedding of tears is the idea of my producers. Producers like to cast me in roles where I cry a lot; they give me emotional or romantic roles to interprete, especially after they found that I was good at that from, “A Cry for Help”, the movie that brought me to prominence. So it’s usually the producers’ idea. They instruct me and I follow. Whether I’m going to cry in “The Voice”? Well, don’t let me give out all the details. I think I’ve spoken too much on the film already. When you see the film, you’ll know whether I cried in it or not. When we premiere it on July 13 in Lagos at the Oriental Hotel, everyone will have the opportunity to see the film in it’s entirety. You must have seen the trailer on line. We released the trailer recently on youtube and a lot of people have been viewing it.
You were shooting this story when kidnappers stormed your location in 2012 and abducted you and Kenneth Okolie before later releasing you, what do you have to say about this co-incidence?
It’s beyond our own comprehension I must say. The most important thing is that one is alive to complete the story. It wasn’t a pleasant experience at all. It may however interest you to know that the experience was put to good use in the completion of “The Voice.” That’s just what I have to say about that.
Considering your profile with the Imo state government, Is politics something you’d like to delve into fully in the nearest future?
Well right now, I can’t defend my future with politics. Politics is something that is a part of us. Politics is part of life, life is part of politics. Politics is in what we do on daily basis. I believe that if you really want to affect people’s life positively and effectively, you need to be in a place of power. So thinking about this country and affecting the lives of people positively, one way or the other, you must play politics. Politics in term of government? Time will definitely tell because you can’t say politics is a no for you or a yes for you, as you move on in life, circumstances will make you want to look at your present and make decisions of who you want to be and who you want to be and how you want to carry on with your career. For me,it’s a long journey. There is still a long way to go as long as there is life. If God blesses us with life anything can happen. definitely changes will come in future. But for now, I really can’t say much.
What’s your opinion about light skin ladies who still bleach?
I don’t believe in bleaching but whatever you do with your skin is entirely your business and I don’t really care. I can only advise and that’s if you seek my opinion. Bleaching damages the skin especially if you consider our living conditions here in Nigeria; how hot our weather is. When you take away the outer layer of your skin all in the name of trying to look beautiful or fair, that’s definitley going to have a repercussion. It will have an adverse health effect. Presently, technology has advanced and people are getting better ways of bleaching or lightening their skin. However back in the days, when I was growing up a lot of people who bleached their skin got their skin damaged. You see them shrinking even before they get old. You see wrinkles coming together on their skin and it cannot be corrected because the protect layer of the skin was gone. So for me bleaching is a no, no! If you want to tone your skin, maybe but do not bleach. I don’t appreciate bleaching but like I said, it’s not in my place to dictate for anybody what they do with their skin. I can’t tell them how to live their lives. As I earlier said, your skin is entirely your business and what you do with it is entirely your business.
Would you augment any part of your body to look good?
Augmenting any part of my body depends on what I intend to do or intend to achieve. If what I intend to achieve is good for my health, then why not? I will. But if it’s just for beauty and not really necessary, because the way I am I’ve come to be accepted, appreciated and loved. Augmenting any part of my body just for beauty? I don’t think that will add any more value to me than I have right now. I’m just accepted and appreciated the way I am and a lot of people attest to the fact that I look good. Looking good is good business and if I have to go through all that process of augmentation just to look good, then it won’t be interesting for me because I’m already accepted. But if at the long run, healthwise, workwise even movie wise, I must augment any part of my body then I will as long as it will help me achieve what I want to achieve or pass the right message to the people.
You are naturally fair, how do you maintain your complexion?
Maintaining of my complexion is not really a problem. Like you said I’m naturally fair so I try as much as possible to stay away from the sun. I don’t expose myself to too much sun. I eat right. I don’t work too much to take care of my skin because when you put too much attention on your skin, you may lose it. I just live right and use good body lotion. Like I said I try a lot to avoid the sun because harsh sun is really bad for light skin people.
Whenever your name is mentioned nowadays, Kenneth Okolie, the former Mr. Nigeria, is usually mentioned as well, a lot of your fans may suspect you are dating?
No! That’s not true. You only hear about Kenneth being mentioned alongside my name because we worked together in a couple of movies. It’s a given that when two celebrities work together, whenever the name of one person is mentioned there is high chance of the other being mentioned alongside as well. So it’s no big deal. we only have a working relationship and that’s all. If another actor played a lead role with me in a movie, his name will definitely come up most times when I’m being talked about. Kenneth Okolie is a very good actor no doubt.
A lot of fans are wondering if you’ll go back to hiding after the Premiere of ‘The Voice’, what do you have to say to them?
Going back to hiding? I don’t think I’ve been hiding. I’ve always been there and the fact that I haven’t been featuring in a lot of films doesn’t me I’ve been hiding. I’m here and I’m here to stay. I’m here to continue to entertain my fans. I’m here to carry on with this career and to continue to affect lives positively with it. I am not going anywhere yet except God takes me away from here. But once there is life, I’m still here and there is no hiding place when it comes to doing what we do and loving what we do.
But how come you don’t feature in a lot of films like in the past?
You don’t see me in a lot of movies anymore because my taking part in a movie depend on the script. I don’t just act for acting sake, I only take movie scripts that will impart positive lessons on the society and make me a better actress. I refuse substandard scripts a lot. You will get to a stage in your career where you can’t just feature in just any film.
Who should fans expect at the Premiere?
We are inviting as many as would love to associate with us. We are expecting quite a number of Nigerian actors and actresses at the premiere. Nollywood is known to always supports any of their own, so we are expecting everyone who which to come from Nollywood. Ofcourse, there will be attendance from people of other walks of life as well.