Subnews unveils Daily Intel online newspaper

Publishers of fledgling SubNews magazine have unveiled the Daily Intel, an online newspaper.

This was disclosed at a press conference organized by the organisation in Abuja over the weekend.

Speaking at the news conference, the Editor-in-Chief of SubNews, Mr. Tony Christian, said the newspaper would eschew bias and sectionalism while engaging the managers of the nation’s affairs on transparency and accountability for the overall good of the citizens.

Christian added that Daily Intel would sustain the ethics of delivering factual news updates on contemporary issues to its teeming readers for which Subnews is known.

“We are delighted to unveil Daily Intel Newspaper, an online newspaper that promises to deliver factual news updates on contemporary issues to our audience.

“The launching of Daily Intel Newspaper reflects our shared vision in SubNews to be part of one of the leading online news website that is relied upon for authoritative, exclusive and breaking news updates.

“Daily Intel would be devoid of bias and sectionalism. While altering the Nigeria’s media landscape, Daily Intel Newspaper would be navigating around insightful information on the economy, education, entertainment, health, sports and other sectors of our national life and would regularly throw up threads that are essential for national cohesion and development.

“We’re poised to serving our audience with incisive articles and well researched features that would incite transparency while demanding for accountability from those in authority for the greater good of the nation and the larger society.

“Daily Intel Newspapers will preserve the culture of in-depth investigative reporting, an in house legacy passed on to it by the mother medium – the SubNews magazine,” Christian said.

He further expressed the management’s appreciation to its readers, advertisers, and other partners for their support over the years.

The publisher added that debut of the new title was as a result of teamwork and painstaking pursuit for the growth of the company and happiness of its readers.