Why disability is not a curse

Man is a special being and was created the best way as chosen by the Almighty. It is inevitable for man to enjoy life without confronting certain tests in life: some which might be the definition of his life. It’s either one is tested from birth or he meets up with it as he continues the adventure of life. Above all, the most important thing in life is the ability to stand the test of life and be determined in overcoming each and everyone that comes one’s way. Robert M. Hensel said “When everyone else says you can’t, determination says, YES YOU CAN.” This phrase encapsulates everything needed to triumph when others don’t think you can.

Disability, as defined by C.D.C ( Center for Disease Control and Prevention ) is any condition of the body or mind (impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities (activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation restrictions). Despite the fact that disabilities can manifest in many different ways, the majority of cases are thought to include people with vision and movement impairments.

People with disabilities experience a variety of difficulties in life, yet none of them has the capacity to stop the blessings that the Almighty has planned for them. The only one who understands why He chose to subject His creations to such tests is He who creates; He is the best at everything. God never places a burden on His servants’ shoulders that they are unable to bear. Therefore, all tests have benefits when they are embraced with a pleasant attitude.

One of the flaws that has prevented many disabled persons from achieving success in life is inferiority complex. Being rejected by so many people had gotten in their way, making it exceedingly challenging for them to live alongside others. It is critical to comprehend that fear, not people, is the real issue.

The majority of people with impairments have little formal schooling. Because of this issue, individuals are unable to find employment and must rely on begging. When people with impairments lose their occupations, the same thing takes place.
People with disabilities often beg because they are unemployed, others beg because they are impoverished, and some beg to prevent becoming crippled. Sometimes the only way for persons with disabilities to get money is to beg. People with disabilities beg in a variety of ways, including organized beg, forced beg, and purposeful maiming. Gangs that engage in organized begging use disabled individuals as a means of profit since the public is sympathetic to their plight. People with disabilities have the opportunity to compete with everyone else for places in society if they have bravery and no respect for beggars. However, if they have educational reservations and have committed to obtaining a standard education despite all discrimination, this is achievable.

Unfortunately, the majority of these individuals did not receive the necessary affection and care from their parents or other adult guardians, which led to their involvement in a variety of inappropriate activities. Those raised by parents excelled greatly, reaped the benefits of their patience, and showed little respect for prejudice from the outside world. It is difficult whether you have parents or not, but it shouldn’t stop you from doing everything you can to ensure your survival. Regardless of our physical attributes, God has plenty planned for His creatures, and it will eventually reach us at the appointed time.

Begging is a popular activity for those with disabilities. It’s sad that some people with disabilities have felt inferior to others because they couldn’t live doing what others do. Most of the time, in order to be effective as a teacher, singer, or lawyer, one merely needs to be eloquent (able to communicate well). If a person with a disability understands math concepts and uses them to generate revenue, that person could be a very successful businessperson. Finding a legal way to survive does not depend on having hands or legs. And the majority of individuals who come across a disabled person trying to earn money legally are always proud of them and more than happy to offer support.

The guts, tenacity, and commitment to the goals they have set for themselves are what have allowed people to succeed in society, not their outward appearance. The patient person who does this, especially those who are disabled, will be rewarded. According to psychological research, people with disabilities who believe they are capable of working and supporting themselves without resorting to begging are considered to be more tenacious, which usually helps them do best even when competing with people who have ability.

However, a disabled person must reject the ideals that have excluded him from participating in society. Regarding discrimination, society is for everyone. Who occupies the best position the society has to offer is solely determined by how much grit, guts, and commitment we muster.

Abdullahi Abdulqudus,
200Level Mass Communication,
Bayero University, Kano