Okay, it’s that time of the year and no matter if you think you’re past that age when the day used to be significant, most people in a relationship are still excited about Val’s Day and of course, the gift that awaits them at the end of the day. ONYEKACHI EKE offers some gift tips for women
A few days ago, a friend told me another friend of hers was in a quandary about what to give his girlfriend of almost six years, as he had given her every gift imaginable the past five years and she suggested a ring. He actually went and bought a ring. So if you’ve been in a relationship for almost six years, what can I say? Try to act surprised when he pops the question.
Many ladies are of the opinion that they are not obliged to give gifts on Val’s Day and that they just have to look pretty to collect their gifts. Well, love is reciprocal. If you haven’t gotten anything for that guy who’s beside himself trying to get that perfect gift and outdo your other admirers, there’s still time for you to pop into a gift shop and get something for him.
While it is easier to get a gift for a lady, it is usually tough to shop for a guy.
Valentine’s Day always seems to fall when you just started dating a guy, so what’s a gal to do? Keep things simple and avoid any awkwardness by steering clear of anything too sentimental or expensive.
What you buy reflects how you see him and the relationship, so you want to get something thoughtful, creative, and appropriate for the amount of time you’ve been together.
If you’ve just started dating, keep your gift casual. At this point, anything expensive or too personal will send a scary I-like-you-a-little-too-much message. You could buy a DVD of a movie he really likes or a book by one of his favourite authors (if he’s the reading type). Who says it’s only the ladies who are entitled to chocolates?
If you’re officially a couple of three-six months, but still getting to know each other, you would have to impress him by finding something that’s totally him. This is a tricky in-between phase.
You could get him manly accessories like socks, leave cute, but casual, messages. You could also get tickets to a show and if he’s the corporate type, get him a messenger bag to put his iPad and other gadgets. Every guy needs a statement watch. Get your guy one that combines fashion and function!
If things are starting to get serious (even if he’s yet to admit it), you could get a fun gift based on an experience you can have or have had together. This will enable you build more shared memories. Now that you’ve been together for quite some time, you’re pretty in tune with your guy’s tastes, right? Show him how much you’ve been listening by picking out the perfect token of your affection.
When you have been in that relationship for a year or two, you’ve crossed over into the long-term commitment zone, so this is a great time to commemorate your relationship or show off how well you know him. You can get him cologne, phone or a grooming kit.
If the relationship is more than three years, it actually gets tougher and tougher to come up with surprising gifts. A lot of women just grab stuff he needs, which is nice and all…but boring.
Other gifts a lady could give a guy include designer belts, wallets, cufflinks, tie, sunglasses and shirts.
While there’s no specific time in a relationship to give the gifts suggested above, it is however advisable to rein in at the early stage of a relationship, so neither of you is overwhelmed.
The look on his face when you give him a gift, especially when he’s not expecting it, is worth every penny and time spent on that gift.
Enjoy Valentine’s Day!