Psychology of a Loser

LoserB M Dzukogi

Indeed man is dangerous, instinctively a cannibal, deadly while competing but pitiable in defeat, yet he thinks he must have whatever he wants at all times and cost.  Such is the poverty of his spirit.  At defeat, he is impulsive, wanting to make everybody a loser too.  In fact, he goes to do it.  So plotting begins! He shops for men and women, covertly and overtly, rocking the boat to throw passengers and paddlers overboard, deep down the seabed.  This is my man, ever treacherous, ever losing.

Man with his so-called knowledge and sense realising his own arbitrariness sits to conjure instruments of retraction of his imminent distortions.  He says, let there be instruments, institutions sprouting across our community and settlement to checkmate the desire for madness that goes with our arbitrariness.  So they meet at home, in offices, market place, on the street etc, to share similar feelings formally and informally then begin to associate.  In time, they begin to order, reconstruct the environment and engineer the affairs that go in them for the good of all.  Perhaps, this is why men of equal status and intellect resolve to design ways and manner in which they shall be controlled in their motions (activities) especially in designs that could kill them easily, through the application of brute sense.  But, in time he loses himself again to destroy himself and others and the things erected there-from.  This is my man, ever selfish, ever-greedy, ever-proud and treacherous.

For nature to curb him and his madness, natural laws were set in motion on land, at sea, in the extra-terrestrials, from the extra-ordinary.  But once caught, he claims to order and reorder events, behind his mind is nasty linen to corner, bend and distort to gain advantage.  Again, from the higher realm, he is cut down immediately for disregarding order, he is made to conform unwillingly.  He purportedly despairs then concocts, seeking meanings to his afflictions and the dismembered senses.  Temporarily, he abandons his violent inclinations and pretences only to commence dwelling arbitrarily again, while trying hard to burn down bonds that tie humans in association.  Heavens watch his folly and dirty theatricals in amusement.  High up there, the watchers know his being, his heart, a dirty conundrum.  He must be ordered, repeatedly! Therefore, in the ordering of his arbitrariness, other people; leaders have to emerge, planted on earth or even proclaimed in self-styled manner, which come to retract missed strides.
In his dangerous being, only members of the group or community less affected by senselessness can regulate the dirty motion of the afflicted in senseless expeditions.  They only need to rise and think alike to contain the bestiality of one of them.  There are many approaches to this.
The afflicted person need sympathy and not bullying, except if he insists on hacking down group members then he should be broken.  Broken, the odd man-loser should listen to others and not his inner self, lest he risks extinction in the community of humans.  If he has tomorrow, he would retract to be sensible and associate again.  However, one trick must be identified, some losers will seek the so-called paths/instruments instituted by group to destabilise affairs, forgetting that such paths in themselves are fragile compasses that submits to majority voice of designers.  It is that very sense democracy claims to popularise.

Democracy appears to be the most favourable means of electing leaders today because of the elasticity of its goodwill to the less powerful.  It has its own tragedies though.  One of the wretchedness of democracy is its ability to hoist on the masses, mediocre, hypocrites, potential dictators and parasites who will plant disorder to enjoy the pleasure of power.  The ugliness of its beauty is to fail good men, ridicule their intellect and make a perpetual caricature of sanity.  Also, men otherwise called voters or electorates submit cheaply and sheepishly to visibly stalk-like contestants, opportunists who would have been elsewhere at the outskirt of society, let alone step into contest.  A few things lead to this sad behaviour; ethnicity and religion, especially in my country.  The odd-man with these whips of sentiments that stole from the ballot and get elevated because it is called democracy later stands high and says “I am clever”.  If he fails with his warped sentiments in the abortion of people’s happiness, he reclines to treachery, violence and even murder in his new psychology, because he must win.  He thinks he ought to win so he still must get it or spoil it.