Poll shift affected smaller parties more- Labour party candidate

The Bayela East Labour Party senatorial candidate in Saturday 23rd rescheduled elections Iniruo Wills has lamented that  the poll shift  had  more sever effect on the less dominant parties and their candidates.

He noted that although the shift affected all candidates and parties fielding candidates, the effect was felt more by smaller parties and their candidates because of their their limited resources.

  Will’s said  the shift has subjected millions of voters, INEC ad-hoc staff who had to travel long distances to their polling units and candidates who had already mobilized their supporters.

  “To say the least, the shift smacks of a poorly disguised attempt to weaken credible candidates and alternative platforms, thereby paving the way for retention in power of the same ruling or traditional political parties who have failed our people.

 “These politicians have thereby become unpopular, but have unlimited illegal and criminal access to public funds through the state and federal governments that they control.

 “We are concerned at the knock-on effect the postponement could have on voters’ attitude and the duplication of costs for credible candidates and parties.

 “We therefore appeal to Nigerians to respond to the shock with a resolve to turn out en masse on the rescheduled date of Saturday, February 23 to vote in the most trusted and credible candidates, regardless of political party affiliation,” Wills said.

He appealed to his supporters in the Bayelsa East Senatorial District, comprising Ogbia, Nembe and Brass Local Government Areas to remain unshaken in their  resolve to reclaim their destinies and vote in a credible candidate like him.

 “We are a people that deserve to be the premier Senatorial District in Nigeria ,on account of our history, incomparable geography and leading economic contributions.

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