Lawan felicitates with Osinbajo @64

The President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan, has sent a message of felicitation to the  Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, on the occasion of his 64th birthday on Monday March 8, 2021.

Lawan in the message signed by his Media Adviser, Ola Awoniyi, joined Osinbajo’s family and friends across and outside Nigeria in celebrating the erudite lawyer, intellectual giant, respected religious leader and distinguished administrator on the  auspicious occasion.

The statement reads: “His Excellency, Professor Osinbajo, has made his marks in his many fields of endeavours and particularly in the administration of our great nation.

“I pray that God Almighty will continue to imbue him with wisdom and good health as he ably supports President Muhammadu Buhari in their patriotic mission to transform Nigeria and unite its people in happiness and prosperity.

“Mr Vice President, here is again wishing you a happy birthday and many happy returns of the day.”

He added by wishing the Vice President many more years in robust health.

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