Edo assembly takes fresh step to impeach deputy governor

The Edo State House of Assembly, Tuesday passed a resolution  directing the State’s Chief Judge,  Justice Daniel Okungbowa, to set up a seven-man committee to investigate allegations of gross misconduct levelled against Hon. Philip Shaibu, the deputy governor of the state.

In March 6, 19 lawmakers signed a petition for the removal of Shaibu from office for allegedly leaking government secrets.

Speaker Blessing Agbebaku, had notified the House during Tuesday’s plenary that the seven-day ultimatum granted the embattled deputy governor to respond to the impeachment notice served on him has expired.

Agbebaku added that the Assembly made newspaper publications of the notice on March 12, 2024.

Continuing at plenary, 19 out of the 24 members voted in favour of the resolution for the CJ to inaugurate investigative panel, following a motion moved by the House majority leader, Hon. Charity Aiguobarueghian.

Aiguobarueghian noted that the motion was in line with section 188 subsection 3 and 4 of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The legislator stated that the failure of the deputy to respond to the petition at the stipulated times was also in conformity with the provision of section 188 sub section 3.

According to him, “that duty as bestowed by section 188 subsection 3 of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is that a motion be moved when it will be resolved that if this allegations are not denied, it  is worthy of investigation.”