The Director General , Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) Dikko Umaru Radda has expressed concern that the key challenges that have limited the development and growth in the sub-sector is the absence of up-to-date and useable data of Micro, Small and Medium (MSMEs).
Radda noted this in Abuja on Thursday at the media briefing to signal the commencement of the 2021 National survey of MSMEs.
According to him, inclusive , effective and sustainable development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises subsector is largely dependent on the availability of useable data.
He said the compelling need to have an updated survey of the MSME sub-sector is further justified by the reviewed national policy on MSMEs and recent sociology-economic developments and global occurrences such as the COVID-19 pandemic, kidnapping and banditry activities.
He agency is fully aware of the need to have an operational framework to guide the development of the MSME sub sector and this is why we assiduously worked with identified stakeholders to review the National Policy on MSMEs which has gotten the approval of the Federal Executive Council (FEC).