Firms showcase Hitachi’s next generation data storage capabilities

The duo of Mitsumi Distribution, Dataflex Nigeria Limited have introduced the newest data storage capabilities from world renowned manufacturer, Hitachi into Nigeria showcasing its capability around artificial intelligence, monitoring and the ability to provide one single dash board and integrating across its environment.

Experts who spoke at a convergence event in Lagos affirmed that the new technology provides optimal object storage performance for modern cloud-native workloads, with ease of use, efficiency, and massive scalability.

Speaking, Executive Director, Dataflex Nigeria Ltd, Martins Ndigwe said “customers’ needs have evolved beyond just achieving IT centric goals. They are looking for business outcomes, such as data intelligence, improving productivity, and time to market. How data is managed for competitive differentiation, compliance purposes, and timely and reliable data access can be the difference between success and failure.”

He said organisations and businesses must continue to evolve and embrace changes in technology in order to remain relevant affirming that technological disruptions will shut down firms that couldn’t catch up.

Martins said “the essence of this convergence is to continue to show how technology changes the world as you know right now there is a lot of disruption and once you cannot innovate you, you die and if you cannot disrupt you also die, it means you have to continue to be on that fast changing lane all the time because the way technology move it moves faster than us especially now that you have artificial intelligence, robotic, simulations put in such a way that they can almost emulate the way human thinks and even be able to carry out some human function.”