NDE trains 20 unemployed youth on GSM repairs, tailoring in Yobe

The National Directorate of Employment (NDE)Yobe state office has on Wednesday commenced the orientation and training exercise for 20 unemployed youth under Basic National Open Apprenticeship Scheme (B-NOAS) in Yobe state.

The Director  General of the NDE, Mallam Abubakar Fikpo,  said the exercise under the Vocational Skills Development (VSD) Department was meant to enable the Youth to be labour employers and self-reliant.

Represented by the Acting state Coordinator NDE Yobe state, Hajiya Binta Aliyu, Fikpo stated that the youth would be trained on GSM repairs and  fashion design (tailoring skills) respectively.

He revealed that, “NDE has always been at the forefront of delivering its mandate by reducing unemployment and poverty in the country”.

In her remarks, Acting Director, Vocational Skills Development Department headquarters Abuja, Hajiya Amina Lewa shettima, enjoined the trainees to take the training seriously.

Represented by Mohammed Musa from NDE headquarters Abuja, Lewa  called on the training participants to seize this opportunity with enthusiasm and dedication,equally urged them to obey their master’s trainers.

“You have been chosen to be a part of this training scheme because of your potential to make a difference.Embrace the knowledge and skills you acquire, and let them empower you to become the change agents our country desperately needs,” she added.

The trainees thanked the NDE and its management for giving them the opportunity to learn various skills and promised to put in their best to actualise their aspirations.