Buhari’s ex-aide lauds Kaduna gov for appointing youth as state’s Accountant General

Former Aide to Ex-President Muhammadu Buhari,  Dr. Nasir Sa’idu Adhama,  has commended the Kaduna State Governor,  Senator Uba Sani,  for appointing Mr. Bashir Zuntu as the Accountant General of the state.

He noted that the governor’s action was aninclusive approach to appointing young leaders to key positions to foster an environment that values competence and innovation.

In a statement issued by Dr. Aminu Abdullahi Isyaku in Abuja on Tuesday,  Adhama said the appointment made Zuntu the youngest Accountant General in Nigeria,  adding that the development had signified a new era of dynamic leadership in Kaduna State.

Adhama,  who served as Senior Special Assistant under Buhari,  said: “Mr. Bashir Zuntu’s professional qualifications in accounting and public finance as well as his exemplary journey from serving as an accountant with the Ministry of Trade and Industry to holding the position of immediate Chairman of Kubau Local Government Area in Kaduna State reflects his unwavering dedication to public
service and financial acumen.

“Governor Uba Sani’s discerning choice in appointing Mr. Zuntu to this crucial role
demonstrates his commitment to empowering the youth and recognizing their immense potential in driving the state toward progress and prosperity.

“The governor’s visionary leadership sets an inspiring example for other leaders,
emphasizing the importance of providing opportunities to young leaders based
on their competence and merit”.

“Mr. Bashir Zuntu’s appointment as the Accountant General serves as an
inspiration to countless young Nigerians, showcasing the possibilities that lie
ahead when one’s dedication and commitment to public service are recognizedand rewarded”.

He also expressed confidence that under Zuntu’s leadership, Kaduna State will experience a new era of financial prudence, transparency, and progress.