Body organises enlightenment programme for roadside traders in Karu

By Baba Yusuf

Nasarawa State Urban Development Board, (NUDB) has organised programme for traders who often display their wares on the Abuja -Keffi dual carriage way.
The programme, which took the form of a procession started at the boundary with the FCT and terminated at Mararaba Orange Market near the Karu international market.

Speaking with newsmen before the start of the sensitisation procession the Senior Special Assistant to the Nasarawa state Governor on Development Control, Hassan Abari Ogbole, said the exercise was aimed at educating and enlightening the traders on the dangers of trading on the shoulders of the road.

He said henceforth NUDB would not take it kindly with anyone caught displaying wares on the road margins, warning those who illegal structures where demolished recently to desist from re-erecting them or they should prepare to face the full wrath of the law.
“These people are contributing to the traffic gridlock on this road, especially, during peak hours, we can no longer tolerate such ugly situation, and we have to act now.” Ogbole declared.

The governor’s aide also appealed to residents of the greater Karu area to cultivate the habit of dumping refuse at designated areas and inside the waste disposal containers provided by the state government.

He said government spend more than 10 million naira every month on waste evacuation and disposal, calling on the people to accord the board maximum co operation and support in its quest to create a healthy atmosphere and beautify towns.