3 arrested in India ‘human sacrifi ce’ saga

Police in the south Indian state of Karnataka have arrested three people in connection with the “human sacrifi ce” of a 10-year-old girl . Police told BBC Hindi that the child was killed on the instructions of a “sorcerer” to “cure” a paralysed man. Th e man’s brother and sister have

been arrested on charges of abducting and murdering the girl. Th e alleged sorcerer told them it was the only way to undo “black magic” aff ecting their sibling, police said. A 17-year-old boy has also been arrested for helping to abduct the girl, police said. “Th ere are a few more people who have abetted the crime. We are investigating it from all angles. So more arrests cannot be ruled out,” senior police offi cer B Ramesh told BBC Hindi’s Imran Qureshi. Th e murder was discovered after residents discovered the body of the girl inside a bag. Th ey also found materials which police believe were used to conduct “black magic” rituals. As news about the incident spread, a mob gathered outside the brother and sister’s home and began throwing stones. Police had to use force to disperse the gathering.

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