20 cancer-fighting foods you should eat often

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, eating well is a key weapon in the fight against cancer. Arm yourself with these cancer-fighting foods

* Apples
Apples are choke full of phytochemicals like quercetin, which fight inflammation.

* Beans
These protein-rich pulsesare also packed with antioxidants like kaempferol, a flavonol that early research points to as a powerful cancer fighter.

* Black tea
Black tea boasts a range of potentially cancer-reducing polyphenols.

* Blueberries
Blueberries contain cancer-fighting flavonoids, as well as vitamin C.

* Carrots
Carrots contain selenium a mineral that acts as an antioxidant.

* Cherries
Cherries of all kinds contain antioxidants, but tart varieties may provide higher levels.

* Coffee
Coffee contains riboflavin, among  other potent antioxidants.

* Curcumin
Curcumin (the bright yellow spice found in Indian dishes) has proven anti-inflammatory benefits that suppress the development of cancer cells.

* Cranberries
Cranberries shouldn’t be saved for the holidays; they’re bursting with vitamin C, fibre and phytochemicals.

* Flaxseed
Flaxseed is one of the top sources of dietary lignans, plant estrogens that our healthy gut bacteria convert into antioxidant compounds. Early studies have shown that a daily dose of flaxseed may help decrease cancer growth in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer and reduce the form of estrogen that seems to promote breast cancer in healthy women. Lignans may also help reduce the growth of tumours in male prostate cancer patients.

* Ginger
Ginger is delicious in smoothies, soupsand green tea and may be able to terminate cancer cells, too, say researchers who are currently testing it on ovarian cancer.

* Grapefruit
Grapefruit is packed with cancer- fighting antioxidants like vitamins A and C, alpha-tocopherol, limonin, beta carotene and naringenin, and it’s notably one of the greatest sources of dietary lycopene.

* Green tea
Green tea contains cancer-fighting L-theanine.

* Kale
Kale and other cruciferous veggies show cancer-killing properties in lab experiments when chopped and chewed.

* Milk
Milk is fortified with vitamin D, which research suggests can curb the growth of cancer cells.

* Orange juice
Orange juice is full of folate, a B-complex vitamin that can help prevent DNA mutations.

* Soy
Soycontains saponins that studies suggest protect against cancer.

* Tomatoes
Tomatoes are the best dietary source of lycopene, a carotenoid that has been found to stop cancer cell growth.

* Walnuts
Walnuts offer a range of potentially protective compounds, including alpha-linolenic acid and melatonin.

* Whole grains
Whole grains contain a variety of cancer-beating compounds, including fibre, lignans and phytic acid.
