Sugars and decay: The good, the bad, and the ugly

Sugars are the main culprit when it comes to dental decay. Bacteria in your mouth produce organic acids from dietary sugars that concentrate in dental plaque, the sticky whitish film that collects on surfaces of our teeth. When sugars are ingested, there is an increase in acidity, which causes dissolution of the enamel and dentin of the teeth leading to cavities.
Our modern diet contains a mix of sugars and oral bacteria can ferment all of them with more or less equal ability, with the exception of lactose (milk sugar) from which less acid is produced. However, it is important to remember that there are many varieties of sugars and the form and frequency in which they are ingested impacts oral and general health.

High Sugar/Low Fiber Diets: Refined or processed sugars are derived from two main sources: sugar cane or beets yield sucrose, the scientific name for what we know as sugar. The other big source is corn, which when processed yields high fructose corn syrup. Both these forms of sugar are devoid of nutrients. When added to our diets, they are referred to as “processed, added, or free sugars.” As you’ll see, they turn up in cake, candy, cereals, cola, cookies, and a lot more. Large quantities of either sucrose or fructose in the diet are highly cariogenic (decay-causing) and also contribute to obesity.
High Fiber/Low Sugar Diets: All plants produce simple sugars, known as “natural” sugars, the products of photosynthesis — sunlight acting on green leaves. Fruits and vegetables contain glucose, fructose, and sucrose, which are digested and/or absorbed slowly and more efficiently due to their fiber content. They also contain vitamins and minerals, which can only be properly absorbed in this form. Consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables instead of free sugars is likely to decrease decay and promote health.
Starches constitute a very diverse food group, which vary in botanical origin. They may be highly refined and consumed in their natural state, raw, or cooked (peas, bananas, beans). Whole grains have properties that protect teeth. They require more chewing and thereby stimulate secretion of protective saliva. Cooked or uncooked staple starchy foods such as rice, potatoes and bread have low decay producing potential. When sugars are added to already starchy foods, the potential for decay increases significantly.
Fruits do not play a significant role in dental decay unless consumed in excess. Dried fruit, on the other hand, may be more cariogenic due to a high sugars content and sticky nature. Some dried fruits contain sugars that are added during processing.
WHO has made a strong recommendation that free sugars should not provide more than 10% of calorie intake and further suggested that limiting intake of free sugars to no more than 5% of calories (approximately 3 teaspoons for a child and 6 for an adult) would confer further health benefits.