Reconnect with family this Ramadan – in 20 minutes or less

Islam-pg-reconect-with-yourAssalamu alaikum:
In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Busy family schedules are cutting into family dinners together – 46 percent of those surveyed by the Maryland-based organization The Six O’Clock Scramble said eating together is difficult to do on a regular basis. Fewer than half the parents surveyed admitted that they had eaten together six or seven nights out of the previous week.
Some of the Companions of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “We eat but are not satisfied.” He said, “Perhaps you eat separately.” The Companions replied yes. The Prophet then said, “Eat together and mention the Name of Allah over your food. It will be blessed for you” (Abu Dawud).

Eating together is about so much more than food, as this Hadith makes clear. It is about satisfaction not just of our physical appetites, but our spiritual and emotional need for companionship as well. And who better to build that companionship with than our families?

Ramadan is barely 18 days away. While there is much talk of fasting during workday schedules and hot summer days, along with keeping kids home during school break busy, it is also the ideal opportunity to re-establish the Sunnah of eating together. There is blessing in the food and in the company. It doesn’t have to take long. Sometimes, this mental barrier of “I don’t have time” is what becomes the biggest obstacle. In reality, dinner can be efficiently done in 20 minutes or less of focused quality time. It’s all about commitment. This week, we share this and other ways to reconnect with your family this Ramadan.

And speaking of family, why not start practicing eating together this coming Sunday by sitting down to a special meal with your father, who will be celebrated on Father’s Day. Many Muslims argue that “everyday is Father’s Day”. Nonetheless, the occasion can be used to remember our fathers’ countless sacrifices for us, as well as an opportunity to thank them for it. If your father is no longer alive, you can use the occasion to pray for him and contact one of his friends by phone, email or even better, a visit. This is something that the Prophet recommended we do after our parents have passed away.
May Allah bless our Ramadan and help us rebuild the bonds of family and community during this most special month of the year.
Sound Vision Team