2023 Kogi governorship election: APC aspirant Ohiare promises industrialisation

An aspirant for the governorship of Kogi state, Dr. Sanusi Ohiare has promised to prioritise industrialisation of the state if given the mandate.

Dr. Ohiare, who was addressing journalists at a media parley for governorship aspirants, organised by the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Kogi state council, Thursday in Lokoja, said the state is blessed with abundant human and natural resources begging for exploitation and investment.

He said “Kogi state has a lot of potentials for utmost productivity to curb the alarming high rate of unemployment that has pushed some youths into crimes and criminality.

“Kogi has the two great rivers passing through it that can be used for agricultural activities as well as water transportation of goods. If elected, I will approach the federal government to complete the Lokoja river port.”

On agricultural activities, the aspirant said local government staff and teachers will be encouraged to engage in farming for local consumption and exportation.

The aspirant stated that he will liaise with the federal government to extend the railway service from Itakpe to Abuja through Lokoja, the state capital and that  Kogi deserves an air port to boost major local and international businesses.

According to Ohiare, if elected governor of Kogi state, an agency to be called Kogi Work would be created to train students in order to be self reliant after graduation from school.

Dr. Ohiare, who was Director, Rural Electrification programme of the present administration, said constant and sustenance of electricity will be a priority of his administration as the energy will bolster small scale industries.