You can Insult Buhari but not Nigeria

It is disheartening when one remembers the bubble and struggle we face as a nation, starting from the incessant insecurity that has enveloped the country to the shaky economy that the recent reality of Covid-19 is trying so hard to bring to its knees, and other non-natural problems we all face as a country today.

But what is more painful is how hopeless and unpatriotic we all are as citizens. The negative things we say about our country is second to none, no citizen of any country insults and curses their country like we do in Nigeria. It is not all sunshine in their countries too but they have chosen to rather criticise or insult their leaders instead of demonising their country.

We have only one country to call our own, it is our collective responsibilities to change the narratives to the good, and not damage or help destroy its reputation. If sincerely want a better country we all know what we have to do as citizens, but, that certainly is not insult.

Idris Mohammed Shabafu,
Minna, Niger state
[email protected]

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