UNDP to Media: Focus on promotion of unity, peace

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Director, Mr.
Samuel Bwalya yesterday urged media practitioners in the country to focus on promotion of unity and peace in reports to sustain the growth of democratic development in Nigeria.
Mr. Bwalya made the call while speaking at the opening ceremony of “Conflict Sensitive Reportage Workshop organized for Journalists and media practitioners ahead of the gubernatorial election in Osun state.
The ceremony was held at the Kakanfo Inn and Conference Centre, Ibadan.
Mr. Bwayla who was represented by Mr.
Matheau Alao from the UNDP said there is the urgent need for media practitioners in the country to ensure “free, fair, credible and violent free” election in Nigeria.
According to Mr Bwalya: “Political news, particularly around elections in Nigeria often evokes sentiments and frays nerves and in the extreme results into violence, adding: “Most times, it results in dangerous altercations and, or, violence and eventually, loss of lives and property.” “As you all know, the media plays critical role in the national development of any country irrespective of the forms of governance they practice.
In Nigeria, the media is our key partner.” he said.
The UNDP Country Director added that the media practitioners in Nigeria “are vibrant and play significant roles in disseminating information to the people across the nooks and crannies of the country