Ukpai chides MASSOB, IPOB over Biafra agitation

President Uma Ukpai Evangelistic Association Incorporated, Rev. Uma Ukpai, Wednesday chided the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra, and the Indigenous People of Biafra, describing those behind the agitation as crazy people.

He maintained that any one agitating for Biafra is showing some level of madness.

Rev Ukpai who stated this in his office in Uyo, the Akwa Ibom state capital while fielding questions from newsmen on Wednesday

“There will always be crazy people, even when people are seen to be normal. Whoever is agitating for Biafra shows the level of his madness but everybody is mad, the difference is the level of your madness,” the cleric said.

He however emphasised that it is normal and proper that every zone should be given the chance to live, adding that the South-east has not led Nigeria before.

The cleric who gave an assessment of Nigeria, said he is disappointed that at 60, there were still divisive elements tearing Nigeria apart.

According to him, until we begin to love one another and respect one another, we will not make any meaningful progress.

“In Nigeria, we are all in a hurry to reach where we are going, so much so that we have no regard for others, no time for others and no love for others.

“As a nation, until we love one another, we cannot notice one another. Only when we love that which we have can we develop as a nation. In Nigeria, we don’t care whether others eat or not. If we have no respect for one another, it also means we don’t care whether others exist or not,” the cleric lamented.

Reacting to Adeboye’s statement on restructuring and the controversies it generated, Rev Ukpai said “I don’t think that he (Adeboye) is not entitled to his opinion. He is a man of God, and he must have seen what happened during the civil war, which would guide him in the deductions he made. But to me everybody is entitled to his opinion.”