Time to empower Nigerian women

In the pursuit of a more equitable society, it is imperative to uphold and respect the rights of women, particularly concerning gender equality. Women are entitled to equal treatment, and any violation of these rights undermines the principles of justice and fairness.

As we envision the future of Nigeria, it is essential to prioritise the empowerment of the girl child. Women play pivotal roles in fostering innovation, driving advancements in science and technology, and contributing significantly to the country’s development. To harness this potential, it is crucial to enhance the capacity of women by integrating them across various sectors of the nation.

Recognising the inherent talent within every girl child, there is a pressing need for multifaceted empowerment initiatives. These initiatives should encompass education, skills development, and opportunities that empower girls to contribute meaningfully to the nation’s progress.

The Nigerian government should actively promote gender balance within innovation, science, and technology disciplines, as well as research and development institutions. By mainstreaming women into these sectors, we not only advance gender equality but also unlock the untapped potential that women bring to these critical fields.

For Nigeria to truly realise its aspirations for socioeconomic emancipation, there must be a steadfast commitment to eradicating gender inequality.

This commitment involves creating an environment where the rights of women are protected, and opportunities for empowerment are readily available. Only through such concerted efforts can we build a nation where every individual, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully to the country’s progress.

Loveth David,
Department of Mass Communication,
University of Maiduguri, Borno state