Falling standard of teaching at KASU

Dear Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna state

I wish to draw your attention to the fallen standard of learning and teaching at Kaduna State University, KASU. Lecturers have neglected their duties and only teach when it suits them. It is disheartening to note that over three months since the commencement of the current academic session, students have not received lectures in some courses and only a few times in others.

Timetables of courses have not been made available by many departments, with students only getting informed of lectures via WhatsApp messages from class representative at the whim of a lecturer. This is made worse with exams fast approaching and many subjects have not been taught satisfactorily. 

Your Excellency, you will recall that a lot of efforts were put into upgrading the university to come to par with federal universities. In fact, standards at KASU rose so high in recent times that it became one the most attractive state universities in the country.

Unfortunately,  all these gains are being eroded. I therefore call on you sir, to, as a matter of urgency, save this noble institution by intervening decisively to ensure it falls back on track. The risk of producing half-baked graduates that are bereft of knowledge and skill is all too glaring. 

Mohammed Isa.

Fulani Road,

Unguwan Rimi,

Kaduna, Kaduna state