The exceptional rise of online gaming

The web revolution has caused a seismic shift in just about every aspect of life, and that includes gaming. Online gaming, once a fringe hobby that was very much the smaller cousin of “real gaming”, has seen rapid expansion in the past decade and all signs indicate that it represents the future of virtual entertainment. Rather than merely a product of external circumstances (though they did play a role), the exceptional rise of online gaming is thanks to industry innovations and willpower.

And we’re about to really feel the results of those labors. The online gaming market is expected to experience a compound annual growth rate of 19% in the years leading to 2030, at which point it’ll be worth a phenomenal $430 billion. So, what accounts for such unprecedented growth?

Wide-ranging game types

You’ve been able to play games online more or less since the inception of the internet, and especially since the release of the iPhone. But those early games did not yield a large and loyal audience, and that’s mostly because of the relatively limited selection of titles that were available to play. Today, it’s all different. Via their browser or smartphone, gamers can play branded sports titles such as FIFA or NBA 2K, hypercasual games such as Helix Jump, or live casino games such as roulette or poker. In other words, there’s a game for everyone. And with the range of titles expanding all the time, that looks set to become even more true in the coming years.

Improved graphics and gameplay

People would be unlikely to play online games if the quality of those games were poor. In truth, the early online games were poor. They received a lot of downloads, but there wasn’t much long-term engagement. But technological advancements have changed all that. While smartphone game graphics aren’t up there with console graphics yet (which have had their own evolution in recent years), they’re significantly better than they were ten years ago. And along with the improved appearance, we also see more advanced gameplay which keeps things interesting.

Here are some of the reasons why online gaming is so popular:

  • Wide-ranging game types: There are games for everyone, from casual gamers to hardcore enthusiasts.
  • Improved graphics and gameplay: Online games are becoming more and more visually stunning, and the gameplay is becoming more and more complex and engaging.
  • Accessibility: Online games can be played on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. This means that anyone with an internet connection can play online games.
  • Socialization: Online games can be a great way to socialize with friends and family. Many online games feature multiplayer modes that allow players to compete or cooperate with each other.
  • Affordability: Online games are often free to play, or they can be played for a very low cost. This makes them a great option for budget-minded gamers.

The online gaming market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablets, the growing popularity of multiplayer games, and the increasing availability of high-speed internet.


Of course, an increase in the variety and quality of games would be irrelevant if there wasn’t a large market for those titles. Just as important as title improvements has been the sharp increase in audience size. In countries like the UK, some 93% of the population own a smartphone — and with the online gaming audience spanning demographics, age, and backgrounds, that represents an exceptionally large audience. And that’s just one country. Worldwide, the smartphone ownership rate stands at 86%, with more users added every day.

Online gaming has proven to be one of the most popular smartphone activities in recent years. Titles have captured players who have previously expressed little interest in gaming, and it’s thanks to the smartphone. Many people are unlikely to try a new gaming title if it involves buying an expensive console, but, if it means clicking a few buttons on a device that’s already in their pocket, then they’ll be much more inclined.

Respect for Online Gaming

Finally, there’s the matter of reputation. Online gaming is going through a similar journey as that of traditional video gaming. It’s beginning to get more respect. The industry has worked hard in the past decade to produce games — and gaming experiences — that are treated less like a gimmick, and more like titles that people should dedicate their valuable time towards. Today, online gaming is experiencing a positive feedback loop, one where respect is increasing, revenue is growing, and where online titles are beginning to receive attention. With that foundation, there’s no telling where the online gaming world might move in the future.