SON awards Nisa Premier Hospital standard mgt certificate

The Director-General, Standards Orgainsation of Nigeria (SON), Mallam Farouk Salim, Wednesday, presented an ISO 9001:2015 certificate to Nisa Premier Hospital, Abuja.

The certificate, according to SON DG, was presented to the hospital in conformity with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 quality management systems standard.

Presenting the certificate to the hospital management in Abuja, Salim, who was represented by SON’s Director of Management Systems Certification, Engineer Felix Nyado, said the hospital was the second to receive the certificate in Nigeria.

Salim, who did not mention the first hospital to be awarded the similar certificate, commended Nisa Premier Hospital for embracing a quality management system.

He said: “By the grant of this certificate, I’m proud to inform you that Nisa Premier Hospital is the 2nd hospital certified by SON in Nigeria and has therefore joined a privileged class of Quality Management Systems (QMS) certified organisations in Nigeria. This milestone achievement in the pursuit of service excellence is commendable and worthy of emulation by all hospitals and healthcare facilities in Nigeria’’.

The SON boss, however, said the certificate would be withdrawn if the structure used for the certification break down and necessary corrective actions were not taken on observed non-conformances.

“However, the certificate will be withdrawn if the structures in place for certification breakdown and necessary corrective actions were not taken on observed non-conformances’’, he said.

The Chairman, Nisa Board of Directors, who is also a former Minister of National Planning, Dr Shamusudeen Usman, said the new feat record by the hospital was the manifestation of many of its plans to become an international brand and reiterated the hospital’s commitment to delivering quality and standard health services.

 Also, the founder/chief executive officer of the hospital, Dr Ibrahim Wada, commended the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) for creating an enabling environment for private hospitals to strive and pledged the commitment of the hospital to saving more human lives through quality health service delivery.  

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