PWEN urges girls to choose career in engineering for Nigeria’s devt

The Association of Professional Female Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN) has urged young girls to choose career in engineering to help in developing the country.

The National President of APWEN, Dr. Adebisi Osim, spoke during the Inauguration Ceremony of the 2nd Chairman of APWEN, Ikot Ekpene chapter and the Launching of Scholarship Scheme at Ritman University in Ikot Ekpene LGA on Friday.

Our Correspondent reports that the theme of the event is: ‘Empowering women in engineering: pioneering paths, breaking barriers’.

Osim stated that the association is on continuous drive to unlock the untapped potential of female engineers across the country.

She expressed delight that engineering which was hitherto a male-dominated field is now witnessing a remarkable shift where women are at the frontline.

The President noted that in the past two months, the association hs inaugurated the Chairman of different chapters of APWEN across Nigeria , adding that it goes to explain the proactiveness of APWEN to make a change and effect an impact.

“Today, we gather to celebrate the remarkable strides made by women in the field of engineering, a domain that has long been male-dominated. 

“However, the tide is turning, and we are witnessing a remarkable shift, where women are not only carving their own paths but also breaking down the barriers that have long stood in their way.

“APWEN has been at the forefront of this revolution, championing the cause of women in engineering and providing them with the support and resources they need to thrive,” she noted.

Osim explained that scholarship scheme launch will be directed towards  empowering the next generation of female engineers to  ensure that their dreams and aspirations are not hindered by financial constraints.

“When we empower women in engineering, we are not just empowering individuals – we are empowering entire communities. Women bring unique perspectives, innovative ideas, and a determination to make a difference that is unparalleled. 

“By providing them with the tools and opportunities they need to succeed, we unlock a wealth of untapped potential, paving the way for a future where engineering is not just a male-dominated field, but a diverse and inclusive one,” the President added.

On her part, the inaugurated Chairman of Ikot Ekpene Chapter of APWEN, Engr. Kubiatobong Uduak expressed commitment towards ensuring that female engineers were continuously empowered to brake the age-long barriers.

She appealed to the federal government to take proactive measures in protecting the girl-child from harassment and discrimination.