PFN tasks incoming government on people-oriented policies, programmes

National Vice President Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), South South zone, Apostle David Zilly Aggrey, has charged incoming administration both at the national and state levels, to ensure they come up with people oriented policies if they must succeed in moving the country forward.

Apostle Aggrey, who spoke in Calabar shortly after the inauguration of the new leadership of PFN in Cross River state, said “Government is about people. What you do for, what you say and what you do to the people matters.

“Incoming governments at both the national and State levels must be people-minded. They should come up with people-oriented policies and programmes. If the people are not happy with your leadership, your government has failed. Leaders should look for what they could do for the people to buy their trust.

“They should be careful with political advisers because most good intentions of leaders are often wrecked by selfish minded advisers.”

Corroborating, the new PFN chairman in the state, Apostle (Dr) Trinity Ogar, said the in-coming administration should discover the current mood of Nigerians and work towards putting smiles on the faces of Nigerian people again.

“Leadership is a conferment of responsibility. I believe that with God on our side, we in the new executive committee of PFN will take the fellowship to another heights by improving on achievements of the last leadership,” he pledged.

Also speaking, the immediate past State chairman of the body, Rev. Dr Lawrence Ekwok, said his team “succeeded in doing what had not been done before because we had the support of the people.”

Our reporter, who monitored the inauguration of state leaders of the religious body, said the Chairman, National Inauguration Committee, Archbishop Joseph Ojo, National Publicity Secretary, Bishop Emmah Isong, amongst others, performed the inauguration of the new leadership.

Twelve officers joined Apostle Ogar to pilot the affairs of the PFN for the next four years, some of who are Apostle Frank Umoh, Deputy Chairman, Pastor Akomaye Ugar, General Secretary and Apostle Gloria Ikot, Treasurer, amongst others.