Nigerians need good health to be productive – Cleric

Pastor Ernest Oduduru of the Living Faith Church, Lafia, yesterday said Nigerians needed good physical and spiritual health to be productive.
The cleric made this remark during a Sunday sermon entitled: “Is there no balm in Gilead”, in Lafia.
According to Oduduru, the comfort of a man was largely dependent on how healthy he was physically and spiritually, hence the need for Nigerians to maintain good health status to enable them live long.

Oduduru, however, said that if Nigerians believed and cared only for their physical well being and failed to take care of their spiritual life, all efforts to succeed in life might be fruitless.
“Something must be wrong with a farmer, who works without harvest, yet he is healthy, he takes all necessary steps, including the use of fertiliser, still no harvest. Behind the root of fruitless efforts is the devil,” he said.
He urged Nigerians to stop visiting medical doctors, herbalists and professional experts to cure strange ailments and resolve life situations that simply required prayers and faith for them to have a breakthrough.

“Jesus is the only physician. Jesus is the only expert you need. Your faithfulness in God is the only guarantee to health. Once you are healthy, you will be fruitful physically and spiritually.
“You may have suffered frustration, but God can terminate all that by making you healthy through your faith in him,” he said.
Oduduru said that whoever sought the Lord and obeyed his commandments would not lack any good things because fruitful life was God’s will for those who believed in him. (NAN)