Minna jailbreak: Take your job serious, gov tasks warders

Niger State Governor, Alhaji Abubakar Sani-Bello on Monday described as unfortunate the jailbreak at Minna Mediun Prison yard by some armed bandicts. He attributed the cause of the incident to inadequate manpower and attitude to work by some prison personnel.
Recall that there was a jailbreak at Minna Medium Security Prison located at Tunga area of Minna Metropolis allegedly perpetuated by armed criminals.
He said this shortly after inspecting the prison facility in company of Minister of Interior, General Adulrahman Bello Dambazau (rtd), Deputy Governor, Alhaji Mohammed Ahmed Ketso and Comptroller General of Prison, Ja’afaru Ahmed.
Sani-Bello, however, pledged to parnter with the federal government and the prison authorities to forestall further occurrence by providing logistics support to the facility.
“It is very unfortunate that this has happened and what we have learnt from this visit is that we have to look at the infrastructure and operation mode.
“It is clear that there is shortage of manpower but most importantly, I appeal to prison officers to take their job seriously. There is also need to do more in taking care of facilities especially in prisons where you have condemned criminals.”
Governor Sani-Bello, Minister of Interior, Gen Abdulrahman Dabazzau, Comptroller General of Prison, Jaafaru Ahmed were accompanied by heads of security agencies in the state, members of Niger State Executive Council, top government officials from Ministry of Interior and Senior Prison officers from Nigerian Prison Service Headquarters.

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