Kwara NNPP not collapsing structures into APC – Party chair

The New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), in Kwara state has declared that it has not collapsed its structures in the state into the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).

The party said it would produce candidates and participate in the forthcoming council election in the state when the ban is lifted.

State Chairman of the party, AbdulRazaq  Abdulsalam made the declaration in an interview with journalists in Ilorin Sunday. 

He said whatever that had transpired between its gubernatorial candidate, Professor Shuaib Oba AbdulRaheem and the state governor, Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq after the March 18 governorship election, was personal and did not represent the position of the NNPP in Kwara, as a party.

Abdulsalam who was recently named the national chairman of All NNPP state chairmen in Nigeria, said contrary to reports making the rounds in some section of the media, the NNPP has not negotiated for anything from the APC led government of Governor AbdulRazaq. 

“I think he has made up his mind to leave the party and that is why he has to extend his liberty to the governor. We have also congratulated the governor on his victory in the last election but we are not collapsing our party for anything. 

“NNPP today is a national party, NNPP has a national orientation and is still going to contest other elections in Kwara. We hope that this government conduct local government elections, we are still on ground, the structures are still there for us to continue to work as a party. Even if there is going to be any collaboration or anything, it will be between the party and the said government”, he declared.