I’ll never leave APC, ex- Adamawa acting gov vows

The former Acting governor of Adamawa State and a member of Presidential Committee on North East Initiative (PCNI), Ambassador James Barka, has denied the allegation of defecting to PDP, saying that would be insane to do that.
The rebuttal was on the heels of an earlier media report that he has dumped the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) following a courtesy call to his residence by the State Executives of the PDP in Adamawa.
In a press conference at his residence in Abuja yesterday, Ambassador Barka denied contemplating leaving the APC, adding that he has also reassured his followers to remain with the party which he was a foundation member.
He described the news of his alleged defection as “fake” maintaining that he is not contemplating leaving the APC, and that more politicians will rather join the APC from other parties.
Barka who is a committee member of the Presidential Committee on North East Initiative (PCNI) said that he was a victim of impunity in the PDP in 2014, and does not see the reason for the returning to the party.
“It beholds on me to call this press conference considering the era of fake news and misinformation that we find ourselves, the mainstream media and social media was agog with the purported report of my defection from the APC to the People Democratic Party (PDP).
It is dishearten that media organisations present during the courtesy call did not relay the story as it was when I met with the PDP leadership that paid me a courtesy call.
“It is true that some members of PDP led by the state chairman paid me a courtesy call to seek my return to my former party PDP, I categorically told them that I am a bonafide member of APC and I am not contemplating leaving the APC.
There is no reason to go back to my former party, and I told them that I will get back to them after consultation.
That to me was just a political statement, but now that the press has reported it, I will make this statement categorically that I am a bonafide member of f the APC.
I am not contemplating leaving the APC at all.
“I have gotten across to my followers and sent the messages that I am still a bonafide member of APC and all my followers should remain.
I am currently serving in the currently administration of President Muhammadu Buhari as a committee member representing my state,” he said.
He pointed out that Adamawa state has benefitted immensely from the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari who has provided a lot of infrastructure to the state, stressing that Adamawa produced two Secretaries to the Federal Government (SGF) under his administration.
“To me the president has done excellently well, so I cannot defect to a party that has shown so much impunity to me and my followers in 2014, so I am committed to APC and will remain in APC.
“As a politician, I look at the of those that paid me a courtesy call, especially the chairman, we fought against the impunity of PDP, so I don’t expect such people to work against my interest.
So I cannot say whether there was another motive but I will blame the media because they were right there, Sahara Report, AIT and Channels were there, and there was never a time I said I am defecting to PDP,” he said