God has answered our prayers, APC reacts to Osun judgement

The All Progressives Congress, APC, in Osun state, has said that the supreme Court judgement on favour of its candidate in the September 22, 2018 governorship election, was a sign that God answered prayer of the people of the state.

The party in a statement by its spokesman, Bar Kunle Oyatomi, said “The Progressive God that Osun people serve heard their prayers and granted their request.

“God has used the highest legal authority of the Land to proclaim the truth that Oyetola lawfully won. And that is historic!!!”

According to the APC, “our fears for the calamity that might have befallen the state of Osun, if the PDP had been declared winner, have now been assuaged. We are overjoyed for this amazing Grace!!

“Those who had wished for a different outcome have a lesson to learn here, that there is a natural limit to which you can stretch evil.

“It was this limit the PDP got in their attempt to stage a miraculous upset at last September’s election.

“And subsequent efforts to spin the law at the Tribunal unraveled in the Court of Appeal and finally died at the Supreme Court today.

“The details are now history. For good measure, this is not simply a victory for the party alone; it is a victory for the good people of the state of Osun.”

“Providence has by this verdict, put a stamp of approval on the exceptional developments achieved in the state during the last eight years.

“God also stopped the evil in its track that had planned to dismantle the hard earned human, social, economic, environmental and structural developments that Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola and his team established in the state of Osun.

“The thought of it was devilish in the first instance, but even more despicable was the arrogance with which the PDP went about town boasting that it would destroy everything that Aregbesola did in the state.

“But thank God, we are not mourning, neither are we mocking the opposition. We are simply telling them that now is the time to change and move on, to become a factor for good in Osun’s politics.

“We in the APC and majority of the good people of Osun will welcome any errant but repentant PDP politician, who sheds negativity and joins hands with us to transform further this wonderful state of Osun.

“May the good Lord give governor Gboyega Oyetola the wisdom, strength and foresight to expand the legacy he inherited and set Osun on the irreversible course of that God and the entire people of Osun will be proud of.

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