Feminism in the 21st Century

Feminism as a movement has gradually gained prominence over the years. This is because a lot of advocacy has been in motion relentlessly. Feminism, therefore, is a movement or the advocacy of women’s right on the ground or basis of gaining equality of sexes and the need for the girl child to be seen, heard and felt in society. Feminism started in a form of campaign for women’s rights which include the right to vote and be voted for, the right to hold both private and public offices, right to work and earn a pay than just being a housewife, right for equal pay, right to own a property, right to education, among others.

Women and girls were treated unjustly and unfairly in the society and this triggered the feminist advocacy of the early days and that has brought about a major achievement as the female gender eventually got their ground to be included in the voting system. The word feminism was coined by utopian socialist and French philosopher, Charles Fourier, in 1837.

Feminism in the 21st century has come to stay because it has played a vital role in elevating the female gender in all rounds. The feminist movement from its early days down to the 21st century has been seen as the main force behind major historical and present societal changes for women’s right particularly.

It is appalling however that there is misrepresentation of the feminist movement by many young feminist in the 21st century who are rather exhibiting arrogance and nonchalant attitudes, especially to the male gender whom they believe they must possess equal power with and authority unflinchingly .This is unfortunate as it has marred the reputation of the innocent and responsible feminists, especially in Nigeria. This act by some feminists must be curbed as it has created different notions about modern feminism. Some women who claimed to be feminist are seen disrespecting their men and husbands at home and even maltreating their housemates which shouldn’t be heard of a good feminist.

Notwithstanding, it cannot be denied that the feminist movement has created a major shift in the position of women in the society for the good. However it is advisable that enlightenment and campaigns should be put in place to curb the rising wave of the misrepresentation of modern feminist movement.

Mary Musa Dibal,

Mass Communication Department,

University of Maiduguri.

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