Edo SUBEB trains 5000 teachers on tech-based teaching

Edo State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), has begun training of 5, 000 teachers on technology-based teaching aids in the state, under the Edo Basic Education Sector Transformation (Edo-BEST) initiative.
The training is conducted to complement the just concluded school census of which about 190,000 pupils billed to commence learning through technology-based teaching aids and methods.
Edo-BEST, which was recently launched by the state Governor, Godwin Obaseki, is aimed at improving quality at the basic education level public schools.
Adressing journalists in Benin City, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Basic Education and Acting Chairperson, Edo SUBEB, Dr.
Joan Osa Oviawe, said: “I feel excited that the training has begun for the first of three batches of 5000 primary school teachers.” Dr.
Osa Oviawe said that “By September, we would have successfully trained a total of 7000 teachers and outfitted them with digital devices and smart phones for the head teachers.” She explained that at the end of the training, “we would have successfully migrated up to 190,000 pupils onto a new teaching pedagogy that is learner-centered, constructivist, nurturing.
It is a method that promotes teaching without corporal punishment.” “By September, 62 per cent of our 1,200 public primary schools would be enrolled in the Edo-BEST programme.
We are also gearing up to begin renovation and construction of over 230 primary schools across the state.
“Every ward will be positively impacted.
We selected at least one school per ward.
All these are happening between April 2018 and September 2018.
As you can imagine, it takes strong leadership and political will, huge resources, tremendous man hours to deliver on these impressive statistics.
“I feel really privileged to be at the forefront of this epochal change, working for Governor Obaseki, who has the courage to execute this vision for a better future for the teeming children in Edo state.
We will not relent in the quest to secure better quality education for them”, she added.

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