Buni, develop Yusufari River for tourism 

Yusufari is one of the beautiful places that has natural endowments in Yobe state. Yusufari is a local government area in Yobe state, North-east geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Yusufari is one of the 18 local government areas in Yobe state.

The economic mainstay of Yusufari local government area is farming. The area produces food crops such as tomato, onion, pepper, carrots, among others, in commercial quantity. Trade also booms in the area, where several markets serve as platforms for the exchange of commodities.

The Yusufari River has been a vital source of water in the arid region of Yobe state for centuries, providing water for drinking, irrigation, and agriculture. It has been playing a crucial role in the livelihoods of the local communities, supporting their agricultural activities and improving their well-being .

The river has cultural significance for the indigenous communities in Yobe state. It often features in local folklore, rituals, and ceremonies. Traditional fishing practices have been an integral part of the local culture along the river, contributing to the sustenance of the communities.

The scenic beauty of the river, with its lush vegetation and wildlife, attracts nature’s enthusiasts and eco-tourists. Birdwatching is a popular activity as the river supports a diverse range of bird species, making it a haven for birdwatchers.

The region has faced challenges, including periods of drought and desertification, which have affected the river’s water levels and the communities dependent on it.

Infrastructure and facilities for tourists are limited, and efforts are needed to develop tourism infrastructure, including accommodation and visitor centers. Achieving and overcoming these challenges can improve and enhance the place for a better purpose.

Its natural beauty, cultural significance, and opportunity for eco-tourism make it a valuable asset for the region’s development; a natural gift that can benefit the state

Your Excellency Governor Mai Mala Buni, Yusufari River can become a prominent and well-known tourist destination. But this can only be achieved through your efforts, just like in other regions of Nigeria, and by promoting tourism as a means of economic development in the state.

Mary Patrick Umaru,

Department of Mass Communication,

University of Maiduguri, Borno state 
