Air Chief assures of speedy end to insurgency

The Chief of Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Adesola Amosu, has assured Nigerians that the Nigerian Armed Forces had the capacity to bring to a speedy end the insurgency in the North-east.
A statement by the Director of Public Relations and Information (DOPRI), Air Commodore Yusuf Anas, said the CAS gave the assurance when he received the Commandant of the Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Air Vice Marshal John Ifemeje, in his office.

The statement said: “Air Marshal Amosu said that in the bid to sanitise the North East situation he has since been synergising with the Chief of Army Staff and both of them recently embarked on operational visits to Borno and Adamawa states to address members of the forces at the frontlines. The two Service Chiefs also used the opportunity of the visit to interact with the troops, received briefings from Commanders on the ground and also appreciate the ground situation. He added that the military through effective collaboration with other security agencies was exerting enormous pressure on the insurgents and determined to rout them out quickly so that life could return to normalcy in the affected states as soon as possible.

“Air Marshal Amosu further stated that the armed forces were already thinking of the post insurgency phase and strategising on means to “keep the place clean” to avoid a relapse to the violent past. He posited that the task ahead was even harder as more technology-based platforms would be required. He also assured that while the government was determined to provide more funding and support to the armed forces, more sacrifice and commitment would be required from all.

He stated that the College had since adopted the manouverist approach to warfare in tandem with the current teachings of world armies as is best suited for resolving contemporary peace and security challenges. The Commandant assured the CAS that he would bequeath an enduring legacy by making the College a pride of place among its contemporaries across the world.”