2023 U20 AFCON: Host Egypt ‘re-jig’ opening day fixtures

Seven-time champions Flying Eagles should not expect any favours next month especially from U20 AFCON hosts Egypt, who look desperate to qualify for the U20 World Cup in Indonesia.

Egypt have “tampered” with the opening day fixtures of the U20 AFCON as they plan to go past a tough first round group that has the Flying Eagles, Senegal and Mozambique.

As hosts Egypt were seeded to head Group A as A1 and the standard is for A1 to face A3, which is this case Senegal, while A2 Mozambique take on A4 Nigeria on opening day February 19.

But the fixtures now show that Egypt will open the tournament with Mozambique, who on paper look the weakest team in this group.

The Flying Eagles will therefore have to tackle fellow West African rivals Senegal on the opening day from 1900 hours local time, three hours after the host country have played.

The top two teams in each of the three groups will qualify for the quarterfinal with two other best losers from these groups.

The four semi-finalists will qualify for the U20 World Cup in Indonesia in May.