160 clubs set for Governor Shema Unity Cup

One hundred and fifty football clubs will compete in this year’s Governor Ibrahim Shehu Shema Unity Cup scheduled to kick-off on November 1, 2014 at Katsina township stadium.
The Coordinator of the competition, Alhaji Ayuba Umar stated this while briefing newsmen on the preparations of the tournament.
According to him, all necessary arrangements are in the pipeline with a view to staging a successful and hitch-free tournament.
He said the organizing committee would do everything possible towards ensuring the success of the championship.
Alhaji Umar called on the participating teams to cooperate with the organizers in order to achieve the desired goal and assured that the organizers will ensure free and fair officiating throughout the competition.
The Coordinator also expressed appreciation to the state government for its unflinching support and pledged that the football family will continue to rally round Governor Shema whenever the need arises.
He said that the state commissioner of youth and sports, Alhaji Aminu Safana is expected to declare the competition open on November 1, 2015.