13, 733 Nigerian pilgrims storm Saudi Arabia for 2024 Hajj

A total number of 13, 733 Nigerian pilgrims have so far arrived Madina the kingdom of Saudi Arabia for 2024 Hajj rites.

National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) zonal cordinator in Madina Alhaji Ibrahim Mahmud disclosed this shortly after a meeting with the commission’s officials.

He noted that out of this number, up to 7, 598 Nigerian pilgrims left Madina to Mecca.

Ibrahim Mahmud pointed out that 34 flights have so far been recorded in the operations.

The zonal Coodinator also imformed that each pilgrim is espected to spend only four days in Madina as scheduled.

Ibrahim Mahmud admonished Nigeria pilgrims to abide by Saudi Arabian authoraties’ rules and regulations and that of Nigeria while in the Holy Land.

He called on them to pray for peace and stability of their various states and the country as a whole,