TPAP-M denies alliance with NC-Front to form mega party

The Peoples Alternative Political Movement (TPAP-M) has denied alliance with National Consultative Front (NC Front) to adopt the Labour Party in culmination of the Front’s pursuit of a mega party project.

In a press release issued on Monday by TPAP-M, Prof. Omotoye Olorode and Comrade Jaye Gaskia said its attention has been drawn to media reports from a statement issued by the National Consultative Front (NC Front) purporting that TPAP-M and the NC Front have entered into an alliance to adopt the Labour Party.

They said, “for the avoidance of doubt, the statement is totally false, and a figment of the imagination of the issuer of the statement.”

It further noted “TPAP-M has up to the time of this statement not been in touch with, nor have we been in any conversation with the NC Front, at any point in time, on any issue whatsoever, including on the current crisis in the country, the political situation, political participation and contestation, or on the Labour Party; hence no purported alliance could have been entered into.

“TPAP-M conducts and undertakes its political engagements on the basis of its programmes and its commitment to the emergence of a Mass Workers Party and the Socialist Transformation of Nigeria.

“Incidentally, over the past weekend, on Saturday, 21st May, 2022 TPAP-M and her strategic partners and allies were holding a working peoples political summit on the theme of setting agenda for workers’ political participation and workers power.”

“We urge our members, affiliates, supporters, our strategic partners and allies, and the generality of the working peoples and toiling masses of our country to await the public release of the communiqué, and to actively engage with the resolutions therein,” they said.