…To prioritize TETFUND projects

The Executive Secretary of the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), Prof Suleiman Bogoro, yesterday pledged to prioritize projects to ensure that numerous requests for interventions coming from tertiary institutions, were attended to, in line with the due process requirements.
Bogoro made the promise in Abuja during the official takeover of the helm of affairs of the Fund.

He praised past administrators of TETFund, who according to him, had no doubt made innovations that had maximized developments in tertiary institutions and expressed the desire to consolidate and improve on those developmental strides.
The Bauchi born professor of Animal Science also pledged his commitment to the ideals of TETFund of providing high impact intervention to tertiary institutions to make them world class.

On his relationship with the members of staff, he noted that Nigeria is a heterogeneous entity with diverse people and great educational needs, just like TETFUND, assuring that he will be “colour blind”, and without discrimination in the discharge of his mandate.

The Executive Secretary, who said the mandate of TETFund had been made easier by properly directing its funds to address the challenges in tertiary institutions, said the Fun,d under his leadership, would improve on its guidelines for accessing intervention by institutions.
In his remarks, the Chairman, Board of Trustees of TETFund, Dr Musa Babayo pledge the Boards support to the new Executive Secretary, whom he described as a decent man.

While describing TETFund as an export brand, Babayo thanked the past management for placing the Fund on a sustained path of development
The out-gone Acting Executive Secretary, Malam Aliyu Na’Iya, in his handover address listed the achievements of the Fund to include the establishment of six zonal offices of TETFund.