Suspension, arrest of Emefiele an indictment on 9th ‘rubber stamp’ Senate – Serving Senator admits

Open admittance of Rubber Stamp image given the 9th National Assembly by some critically minded Nigerians, was made in Senate on Saturday by Senator Binos Dauda Yaroe (PDP Adamawa South).

Senator Yaroe who openly declared that the 9th National Assembly was a rubber stamp parliament as described by some Nigerians in his remarks at the valedictory session of the 9th Senate, said expeditious considerations and approvals given to most of the request from the executive, lend credence to the claim.

He said: “I agree with those who say the ninth Senate and by extension, 9th National Assembly, is rubber stamp.

“Furthermore the suspension of the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Godwin Emefiele and subjecting him to investigation is a mild indictment of the National Assembly. This is so because if we have done our oversight duties properly, we would not have gotten to this level.

“I hope the 10th senate will take its job as the Watchdog of the Executive more seriously.

“I also hope that the 10th senate will operate and adhere to its own rules, take their rules on the procedures of the bills in rule 76, 77 and 78 for instance those bills for second reading are circulated to all senators.

“But very often, bills will past first and second reading without senators searching for them.

“I hope the 10th senate will conduct its business more properly.”