Summit urges Lagosians to vote Sanwo-Olu

Stakeholders in Lagos state have appealed to the residents of the state to vote the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidates in the governorship and House of Assembly elections coming up on Saturday.

He stressed that voting an inexperienced political party would lead to retrogression of the state.

This view was expressed at a summit organised by Diaspora Organisation for Sustainable Development, which was well attended by residents of the state, members of the civil society organisations, professionals and APC members.

Addressing the audience comprising residents of the United States of America through a zoom meeting, the leader of the group, Dr.Emmanuel Dada, said the summit was called to address the shortcomings noticed in the presidential election held February 25,2023, where Labour Party defeated the APC in Lagos state.

In his speech read on his behalf by Comrade Ajayi Taiwo, Dr Dada noted that there was the need to reverse the outcome of the February 25, 2023 presidential election and win a big one for Sanwo-Olu and all the APC candidates for the State House of Assembly positions.

Dada said the assignment required urgency adding “so urgent action needed to be taken to prevent the state falling into the hands of inexperienced people on governance, which will create serious setback for the state.

“There is an urgent need for our collective actions to prevent the fall of Lagos state into the hands of renegades, untested, incompetent, and inexperienced party.

“We are all here today that going forward, you should mobilise your friends, your neighbours, and all the youths within your reach to go out on Saturday, March 18th and use their PVCs to vote en-masse for Sanwo-Olu and turn the tide favourably towards the progressive APC 

“In all, we have won Lagos since 1999, in spite of her shortcomings, remains the model of sustainable development in Africa.

“There is none among the 36 states of the Federation that is as developed as Lagos state. In terms of security, protection of the dignity of labour and human rights defense, Lagos is miles ahead of many of the 36 states.

“We must never allow these gains to fizzle out. We must defend it. We must protect it. We must cherish it. You will not know the value of what you have until you lose it.

 “Since 1999, the battle had been tough. Reactionary elements  using several fronts, wanting to take Lagos by all means necessary including violence.

“Lagos held the adversaries and the world stood in awe at the energy and determination of our people against domination.”Dr Dada said.

He noted that without doubting the fact, the Labour party capitalized on the shortcomings of #EndSARS protest to sway the youths to its side, but he re assured the youth that no political party cares more for their welfare better than the APC.

“And urged them not to forget the succour Governor Sanwo -Olu gave them after the protest, and with the assistance of the President -elect Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, the youths stands a lot to gain a lot from the federal government and Lagos state in the next political dispensation.”