SING-A-THON: Nigerian attempts to break Guinness World Record singing marathon

A Nigerian business woman and music enthusiast, Blessing Jibromah, is attempting to break a Guinness World Record (GWR) for one hundred and fourty (144) hours and more of singing.

Addressing journalists in Abuja on Thursday, she would be having a stamina check on Saturday 15 June to Monday 17 June while the main event is going to take place from July 27 to August 2 2024.

Blessing said she hopes to inspire young people with the adventure.
“I don’t think it is something that an African has ever done, I think I should do it because I haven’t passion for singing.
“I am someone that grew up in a very disciplined home. My always tell me that whatever you are doing there are people following your foot steps. I want be an inspiration to the younger generation. I want to show them they can achieve whatever they set out to achieve with determination.

“I got inspired to do this because I have passion for singing.There is a saying that ‘if you do what you love you will never work a day in your entire life.’
“If am able to achieve this dream, there are a lot of young people that have dreams and aspirations that might be feeling that things are difficult, I hope this inspires them that they. can achieve whatever they want to achieve.
“A hundred and fourty four is not a small thing , if I am able to do this, I will inspire a lot of people.”

She said the entertainment industry has huge potential to employ the army of unemployed youth and also contribute to the Nigerian economy.

She advised the youth against engaging in social vices and nudity but rather focused on developing their God given talents.

“Entertainment is a very big thing in Nigeria. It is an area we need to develop to help the youth have a career instead of depending on the government. It’s a sector that can create a lot of jobs and contribute to the economy.

“There is so much you can do with yourself self. You don’t have to be nude to make it in life. Our body will wear out some day. If you depend on nudity a time will come when your body cannot carry it anymore. It is your gifts that will create a path for you,” she said.

She said sthe singing marathon would cover all genres of music including secular and gospel.

“For the Guinness book of record requirements, it has to be songs that are known by the people. It is going to be all kinds of songs including secular and gospel music,” she said.