Sex’s sweet, sex’s poison (2)

Let me say this. There are a lot of benefits of having a healthy sexual relationship in a marriage. Unfortunately, the media has made the world believe that such benefits accrue to the unmarried, also. That’s a big lie! I have always asked why many people die while having either premarital or extramarital sex. Extramarital sex has been proven to increase the risk of sudden death, with distressing guilt potentially playing a role in cardiovascular disease. Whereas physicians have known for a long time that, for most men, sex is safe and even life-prolonging, the picture is different for adulterers. Why do unfaithful men, especially, die doing what they love to do?

Science has also proven the spiritual evidence that during sexual intercourse, that there is truly a ‘union’, and the two parties involved are ‘connected – penetration’ to ‘become ONE. The energies, bodily adjustments, and changes to enhance feelings, the gathering of the seminal fluid in the urethral bulb as it prepares to inject into its source (the woman) is by no means a ‘no strings attached’ act. In fact, it is ‘a many strings attached act.’ A recent study by researchers at the University of Seattle and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre has found that women carry living DNA from all the men she has ever had a sexual relationship with. The implications of the study are that any mates a female has had may leave some legacy—in the form of physical or other traits that are carried in the semen (but not the DNA-containing sperm)—that could show up in her future offspring with another mate. The reason why people carry different personality traits, according to persons they have had sexual connectedness.

Any sexually active person receives in a spirit of an unlikely stranger and transferring of negative energy, which many sexologists can agree on. It is, therefore, obvious that each person is ‘depositing’ their energies into the other through the connection of the genitals with the high level of connection that can be felt in the body, based on how much it changes and releases. Evidently, this is where ‘the two really become one’. While sickness and diseases are just the visible transfers that everyone accepts, attitudes (spirits; emotions, etc) as previously mentioned, are all vibration energies that are being transferred into the other person. These negative transfers will then show up in the form of pains and mental conditions, especially because they are foreign to the receiver. There really is such a thing as ‘sexual ties’ and as much as we want to believe it, after sexual intercourse, you are not completely free of that person. If you succeed in preventing STDs and pregnancy through the use of contraceptives and condoms, it is impossible to protect yourself from the spiritual, metaphysical, esoteric, and mystic consequences of your action.

Many wonder the connection and the reason couples (spouse) resemble each other, some years after they are married. The primary reason is the transfer and exchanges, occasioned by sex. I repeat: sex is more spiritual than physical and the real death lies in the spiritual. After all, the spiritual controls the physical. The reason the ‘stranger(s) you have had sex with leaves a mark on you through the act that can impact you in a very negative manner. So the next time you decide to “do a quick release…” as much as your body may ‘drug’ you to the point where you are so ‘dope’ (horny) and you can’t think straight, take a minute to rethink that act. While some may view sex as a time of pleasure, and take advantage, believing that they are completely unaffected once they did not get into a “relationship,” they may still notice that their personalities and physical bodies have all sorts of changes they cannot seem to explain. When you have sex with someone, you exchange or obtain whatever spirit(s) they have as well. You take on their qualities, behaviors, ideology, etc. The results are the dibbling and dabbling in this and that, the incurable confusion, and messed up thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.

So many problems come as a result of sex. The good or bad behavior of your sex partner will become a part of you. Sex was intended for one man and one woman; hence, you enter into a covenant with that other person’s spirit. Do you know what? This same thing happens every time you have sex with a person. You are definitely attached to the spirits of whomever you have had sex with and that is the reason many people have multiple personalities. You confronted with the challenge of dealing with your own personality as well as the other people you have physically and spiritually connected yourself too. A man who can control his sexual impulses is a man who can live many years on earth.

It is clear that there is no safe sex outside marriage. The plastics – condom and other contraceptives may only save you from sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies but not from the real death, associated with sex. Permit me to state the objective of this article is not to condemn anybody but to bring to fore the real dangers of sex. No doubt, even those who may not want to indulge in sex may engage in it as a result of many factors. Some of these factors include the influence of media, peer pressure, poverty, family pressures and crisis, insatiable lust for money, cultural influence, sexual harassment, curiosity, poor school discipline, location of the school, religious teachings, and literacy among others. I believe every reader of this article would develop a better understanding of the real consequences of sex and make the required life changes.

I refused to be sanctimonious in this discussion for obvious reasons. Many times people crave those that have the fear of God, even when in reality; they are talking about someone that is religious. If it is no so, why do we have those that are purportedly ‘spirit-filled’ and speaking in tongues engaging in sex? Evidently, most people do not really fear God; they only mouth it, and engage in the showmanship of who they are not. In fact, without pregnancy and/or STDs, most sexually active persons amongst us would continue to claim to be virgins. Remember, that sex outside marriage is a sin that kills. My father would always, ‘ihe na atọ ọnụ ụtọ, na egbukwa otele mgbu’ This literally means that that which is so sweet to the mouth is usually painful to the anus. Sex is sweet, but it is the poison that kills completely. Think well, think deep, think right. Everything at the right time!

…Uba, the founder, chairman of the board of Amaka ChiwuikE-Uba Foundation (ACUF), writes from Abuja


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