Seplat Plc emerges victorious as NIS withdraws case against Board, CEO

The legal battle between the Nigerian Immigration Service and Seplat Plc, its Board and CEO, Roger Brown has finally been laid to rest as the NIS withdrew the alleged breach of immigration law suit slammed on the company and its CEO.

The energy firm disclosed this in a statement issued by the chairman of the company’s board of directors, Mr. Basil Omiyi.

The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) had on April 6, 2023, filed a criminal charge against Seplat and its Board at the Federal High Court.

The agency accused the organisation of breaching the country’s immigration law, forcing the Minister of Interior, Mr. Rauf Aregbesola, to revoke the visa and working permit issued to Mr. Brown.

However later on the same day, April 6, 2023, it withdrew the charges.

“The Notice of Withdrawal/Discontinuance of the action dated April 6, 2023, was issued by the Director Legal Services of the Nigeria Immigration Service and stated in part that the claimant hereby discontinues all the proceedings in this charge against the above-named defendants.

“The company continues to engage with the Ministry of Interior to bring closure to the false allegations presented to the Ministry, as a result of which the residency status of its Chief Executive Officer was withdrawn.

“The company also refers to its announcement of April 6, 2023, confirming that the Federal High Court sitting in Lagos had vacated the ex parte Interim Orders against Seplat, its CEO and its Board Chairman, including the orders that restrained the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Roger Brown from participating in the running of the company,” the disclosure said.

It is not unlikely that the withdrawal of the charge was founded on what some have termed the contradictions in the charge filed by the federal government agency, Nigeria Immigration Service, given that the Chief Executive Officer was appointed as Chief Executive since August 2020, and had served as the Chief Financial Officer since July 2013.

The Chief Executive was known popularly to be instrumental in completing the dual listing of the company on the Nigerian and London Stock Exchanges, which was the first for a Nigerian corporate.

He was also known to be instrumental in broadening the capital base of the company and increasing Seplat Energy’s footprint in Nigeria by acquiring oil and gas assets.

The withdrawal of his immigration documents was in March 2023, over 30 months after his appointment as Chief Executive and about 9 years and 9 months after his appointment as CFO.