Senate Presidency: Izunaso history beckons

The race for the senate presidency is getting hotter by the day and the chicken will soon come home to roost. June 13, 2023 is not too far away as many are wont to think, but the gladiators are also not getting tired as to clinch the coveted crown of the nation’s number three citizen. 

There are different permutations ongoing as to where the senate presidency should come from.

This is not time to talk on sentiment, because there would be litany of such. And reasons would be given for the sentimental position.

Some on selfish ground are calling for open contest; that it should be thrown open.

The selfishness is that those calling for this would put a caveat, except from South-west and North-east.

If not for selfish sake why not let it be all round openness. That means the number three can come from South-west or even North-east.

Others are saying taking into consideration the zone that gives the highest votes, such zone should be considered first.

Others are shouting to high heavens that their zone has never produced a senate president. Whatever is, everyone has one reason or another to justify its position.

But whichever way the pendulum swings to  the reality on ground indicates that the Senate Presidency position must be given to the South-east.

Common sense reveals so and for equity and justice, an Igbo extraction has to mount the exalted position this time around.

And going by this, however, three major names are on the radar. These are Dave Umuahi, the outgoing governor of Ebonyi state; Orji Uzor Kalu, former governor of Abia state and outgoing Chief Whip of the 9th Senate; and Osita Izunaso, the oldest by rank in the coming 10th Senate and he hails from Imo state.

Any of them, to be truthful, is eminently qualified. But then the three can’t sit on the single seat that is available. And two of them must give way for me.

And if we are to go by any yardstick anyone may put forward, then the lot will fall on Izunaso.

There are many factors that are giving Izunaso the edge, he is not relenting whether there is one godfather somewhere supporting him or not, he has gone through that part before and God has granted him victory.

Let all the contestants present their scorecard and their pedigree will show that Izunaso has no stain on his garment.

It is not arrogance but the truth is that he is the oldest senator, not by age but by experience, among the lots.

He was chief press secretary to both Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Senate President at different times and did the job excellently.

Thereafter, he won an election into the House of Representatives and moved a notch higher, as he was elected into the Senate.

He later became the National Organising Secretary of the ruling party, the APC.

He has a pet project tagged Kpakpando Foundation which is for Persons with Disability, PWD.

It was founded 17 years ago with the aim of catering for the needs of persons with Disability.

The Foundation has  provided scholarship for over 1,000 indigent students since inception and gift Items such as wheel chairs, Assorted Food items, Generators, Sewing Machines, have been provided to support the PWDs.

The Foundation also extend Annual Medical outreach to  PWDs and others 

Using the Foundation, Senator Osita facilitated the passage of a Bill,  Disability Commission; now National Commission for Persons with


Surprisingly, the Foundation has won several National and International Merit Awards of Excellence.

Izunaso has repeatedly said that he is in the race to serve the people of Nigeria and promised that it will be all inclusive administration where every senator will have equal access to the funds of the senate.

Before now it was the prerogative of the first among equals to determine who goes on foreign trips, but Izunaso has promised that a committee will be in charge. He has promised to include former senators as consultants to gain from their experiences while in the red chamber.

This is a noble desire and should be supported by well meaning senators.

In summary, Izunaso wants to be first among equals because he has all the necessary qualities of a Senate President. He is a faithful and loyal party man; accommodating, philanthropist, humane, loved by most people he comes in contact with. 

His shoulders are big enough to bear the burden of the less privileged, because he has passed through that road before. 

He is for this moment, the best option for the 10th Senate Presidency. His pedigree shows that he is capable and most qualified for it.

Izunaso, by the grace of God, is the next Senate President come June 13.

Abdul writes from Abuja via [email protected]