Sallah: Nasarawa Gov calls for unity, tolerance

Governor Abdullahi Sule of Nasarawa state Sunday called on Muslims and other Nigerians to live up to the highest ideals of religious beliefs.

The Governor in his Sallah massage in Gudi, Akwanga local government area of the state, urged  citizens to live in peace and harmonious co-existence with adherents of other faith.

He said the country needs more prayers, commitment and unity to address the challenges confronting the country now than ever before.

Sule said with prayers and fear of God, peaceful coexistence, mutual respect and love Nigerians will be “Work together and be able to harness her abundant resources “.

He called on the citizens to continue to build bridges of brotherhood to harness the benefit of earthly life and the ultimate purpose of creation.

Sule however, charged citizens to avoid all acts that are capable of tarnishing the name of the religion, embrace peace and seek a better understanding of faiths.

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