Peller hails Tinubu on appointment of Badmus as NPA director  


The Ayedero of Yorubaland, Hon Shina Peller, Sunday, lauded President Bola Tinubu over the appointment of President of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Alumni Association, Engr. Olalekan Badmus as the Executive Director, Marine and Operations, Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA). 

Hon Peller in a congratulatory message to Engr Badmus described President Tinubu‘s decision, as a well-informed one expressing confidence in the ability of Engr. Badmus to turn things around positively in his new role at NPA.

According to the former federal lawmaker, Engr.  Badmus would make significant contributions to the growth of Nigeria’s marine and blue economy ministry and Nigerian economy at large. 

“I congratulate my dear brother, Engr. Olalekan Badmus, who is the President of our prestigious LAUTECH Alumni Association, on his appointment as the Executive Director, Marine & Operations, Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA).

“Indeed, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has made a well-informed decision in appointing you as the NPA Executive Director, and I am very confident that you will make significant contributions to the growth of nation’s Marine & Blue Economy sector and Nigerian economy at large.

“As the global president of our prestigious LAUTECH alumni association, we are very proud and delighted to associate with you, and we pray that God bestows on you required strength, wisdom and understanding to deliver excellently in your new role, Amen,” he added.