PDP’s corruption stench suffocating Nigeria – APC

The All Progressives Congress (APC) yesterday said the opposition rhetoric of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is nothing but failed attempt to distract the President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.
The ruling party also said in content and context, PDP’s latest allegations on Buhari administration’s anti-corruption efforts should be seen for what they are-empty, baseless and diversionary.
In a statement yesterday in Abuja by the Acting National Publicity Secretary, Yekini Nabena, APC said the position of the PDP was completely at variance with accepted norm that the opposition in a democracy is supposed to offer constructive criticisms and proffer alternative solutions to government policies and programmes.
Nabena further said that it was truly amazing that the party of a failed government which held the country prostrate for 16 years; stole, wasted and misappropriated the nation’s abundant resources, would have the audacity to make comments on the current administration that within three years is clearing the rot left after the PDP’s misrule.
According to Nabena; “The PDP may wish to explain to Nigerians under which administration a state governor who was set free in many courts in Nigeria on charges of corruption and money laundering but was tried and jailed in the United Kingdom.
Is it not ironic that the PDP preaches about corruption in the oil sector when it in fact oversaw record pillage, maladministration and disrepair of the oil sector when it held sway? “The PDP should remind Nigerians the circumstances under which the former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), now Emir of Kano, lost his job in the bank.
How many millions of dollars did he say was not remitted to the nation’s coffers on regular basis? “The PDP may also explain the fuel subsidy scandals and how billions of the country’s funds went into private pockets; the massive seizures of properties and cash from public officers who served in the PDP government.
“In 2015, Nigerians voted massively for the establishment of a truly progressive government to check the shocking level of impunity, corruption, disregard for the rule of law and other deplorable undemocratic practices which previously defined our national life.
The APC assures all Nigerians that the president hold sacred this collective trust.” The spokesman of the APC said that despite spirited efforts to discredit on-going anti-corruption efforts, the war against graft is being won, adding that an often overlooked major achievement of the anti-corruption war is that President Buhari has brought the issue of corruption to the heart of national consciousness.